
The voluminous correspondence between Rosmini and his procurator to the Holy See, Fr. Pierluigi Bertetti, reveals the political allegations as the primary topic of the examination of all Rosmini’s works ordered by Pius IX. Bertetti collects news and anecdotes from conversations from the Roman milieu and discovers out that the aim of the “Five wounds” and “Costitution according to the social justice” condemnation is to falsely depict Rosmini as an enemy of the hierarchical structure of the Church. During a four years period Rosmini and Bertetti navigate the perilous waters of the Roman Congregations, carefully handle the Pope’s mood swings, baffle the Jesuitical plots and rely on the help of many sincere friends. They submit themselves again to the prohibition issued in 1849 and clarify all the doubts, but do not repeal the message of both orthodoxy and reformation spread by Rosmini’s works: a message that, after the temporary defeat of 1888, will be ultimately triumphant in 2001.